Source code for balance.weighting_methods.ipw

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-unsafe

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import copy
import logging

from typing import Any, cast, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from balance import adjustment as balance_adjustment, util as balance_util
from balance.stats_and_plots.weighted_comparisons_stats import asmd
from balance.stats_and_plots.weights_stats import design_effect

from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, csr_matrix
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__package__)

# TODO: Add tests for model_coefs()
# TODO: Improve interpretability of model coefficients, as variables are no longer zero-centered.
[docs] def model_coefs( model, feature_names: Optional[list] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Extract coefficients from sklearn. Args: model (_type_): LogisticRegression object from sklearn, feature_names (Optional[list], optional): The coefficients of which features should be included. None = all features are included. Defaults to None. Raises: Exception: _description_ Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Dict of the shape: { "coefs": coefs, } """ coefs = model.coef_ if feature_names is not None: coefs = pd.Series( data=np.hstack((model.intercept_, coefs[0])), index=["intercept"] + feature_names, ) else: coefs = pd.Series(data=coefs[0]) return { "coefs": coefs, }
# TODO: Add tests for link_transform() # TODO: Add tests for calc_dev()
[docs] def calc_dev( X_matrix: csr_matrix, y: np.ndarray, model, model_weights: np.ndarray, foldids: np.ndarray, ): """10 fold cross validation to calculate holdout deviance. Args: X_matrix (csr_matrix): Model matrix, y (np.ndarray): Vector of sample inclusion (1=sample, 0=target), model (_type_): LogisticRegression object from sklearn, model_weights (np.ndarray): Vector of sample and target weights, foldids (np.ndarray): Vector of cross-validation fold indices. Returns: float, float: mean and standard deviance of holdout deviance. """ cv_dev = [0 for _ in range(10)] for i in range(10): X_train = X_matrix[foldids != i, :] X_test = X_matrix[foldids == i, :] y_train = y[foldids != i] y_test = y[foldids == i] model_weights_train = model_weights[foldids != i] model_weights_test = model_weights[foldids == i] model_fit =, y_train, sample_weight=model_weights_train) pred_test = model_fit.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] cv_dev[i] = 2 * log_loss( y_test, pred_test, sample_weight=model_weights_test, labels=[0, 1] ) logger.debug( f"dev_mean: {np.mean(cv_dev)}, dev_sd: {np.std(cv_dev, ddof=1) / np.sqrt(10)}" ) return np.mean(cv_dev), np.std(cv_dev, ddof=1) / np.sqrt(10)
# TODO: consider add option to normalize weights to sample size # TODO: Update choose_regularization function to be based on mse (instead of grid search)
[docs] def choose_regularization( links: List[Any], lambdas: np.ndarray, sample_df: pd.DataFrame, target_df: pd.DataFrame, sample_weights: pd.Series, target_weights: pd.Series, balance_classes: bool, max_de: float = 1.5, trim_options: Tuple[ int, int, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float ] = (20, 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.05, 0.01), n_asmd_candidates: int = 10, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Searches through the regularisation parameters of the model and weight trimming levels to find the combination with the highest covariate ASMD reduction (in sample_df and target_df, NOT in the model matrix used for modeling the response) subject to the design effect being lower than max_de (deafults to 1.5). The function preforms a grid search over the n_asmd_candidates (deafults to 10) models with highest DE lower than max_de (assuming higher DE means more bias reduction). Args: links (Links[Any]): list of link predictions from sklearn lambdas (np.ndarray): the lambda values for regularization sample_df (pd.DataFrame): a dataframe representing the sample target_df (pd.DataFrame): a dataframe representing the target sample_weights (pd.Series): design weights for sample target_weights (pd.Series): design weights for target balance_classes (bool): whether balance_classes used max_de (float, optional): upper bound for the design effect of the computed weights. Used for choosing the model regularization and trimming. If set to None, then it uses 'lambda_1se'. Defaults to 1.5. trim_options (Tuple[ int, int, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float ], optional): options for weight_trimming_mean_ratio. Defaults to (20, 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.05, 0.01). n_asmd_candidates (int, optional): number of candidates for grid search.. Defaults to 10. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Dict of the value of the chosen lambda, the value of trimming, model description. Shape is { "best": {"s": best.s.values, "trim": best.trim.values[0]}, "perf": all_perf, } """"Starting choosing regularisation parameters") # get all non-null links links = [link for link in links if link is not None] asmd_before = asmd( sample_df=sample_df, target_df=target_df, sample_weights=sample_weights, target_weights=target_weights, ) # Grid search over regularisation parameter and weight trimming # First calculates design effects for all combinations, because this is cheap all_perf = [] for wr in trim_options: for i in range(len(links)): s = lambdas[i] link = links[i] weights = weights_from_link( link, balance_classes, sample_weights, target_weights, weight_trimming_mean_ratio=wr, ) deff = design_effect(weights) all_perf.append( { "s": s, "s_index": i, "trim": wr, "design_effect": deff, } ) all_perf = pd.DataFrame(all_perf) best = ( all_perf[all_perf.design_effect < max_de] .sort_values("design_effect") .tail(n_asmd_candidates) ) logger.debug(f"Regularisation with design effect below {max_de}: \n {best}") # Calculate ASMDS for best 10 candidates (assuming that higher DE means # more bias reduction) all_perf = [] for _, r in best.iterrows(): wr = r.trim s_index = int(r.s_index) s = lambdas[s_index] link = links[s_index] weights = weights_from_link( link, balance_classes, sample_weights, target_weights, weight_trimming_mean_ratio=wr, ) adjusted_df = sample_df[sample_df.index.isin(weights.index)] asmd_after = asmd( sample_df=adjusted_df, target_df=target_df, sample_weights=weights, target_weights=target_weights, ) # TODO: use asmd_improvement function for that asmd_improvement = ( asmd_before.loc["mean(asmd)"] - asmd_after.loc["mean(asmd)"] ) / asmd_before.loc["mean(asmd)"] deff = design_effect(weights) all_perf.append( { "s": s, "s_index": s_index, "trim": wr, "design_effect": deff, "asmd_improvement": asmd_improvement, "asmd": asmd_after.loc["mean(asmd)"], } ) all_perf = pd.DataFrame(all_perf) best = ( all_perf[all_perf.design_effect < max_de] .sort_values("asmd_improvement") .tail(1) )"Best regularisation: \n {best}") solution = { "best": {"s_index": best.s_index.values[0], "trim": best.trim.values[0]}, "perf": all_perf, } return solution
# Lambda regularization parameters can be used to speedup the IPW algorithm, # counteracting the slow computational speed of sklearn.
[docs] def ipw( sample_df: pd.DataFrame, sample_weights: pd.Series, target_df: pd.DataFrame, target_weights: pd.Series, variables: Optional[List[str]] = None, model: str = "sklearn", weight_trimming_mean_ratio: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 20, weight_trimming_percentile: Optional[float] = None, balance_classes: bool = True, transformations: str = "default", na_action: str = "add_indicator", max_de: Optional[float] = None, lambda_min: float = 1e-05, lambda_max: float = 10, num_lambdas: int = 250, formula: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, penalty_factor: Optional[List[float]] = None, one_hot_encoding: bool = False, # TODO: This is set to be false in order to keep reproducibility of works that uses balance. # The best practice is for this to be true. random_seed: int = 2020, *args, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Fit an ipw (inverse propensity score weighting) for the sample using the target. Args: sample_df (pd.DataFrame): a dataframe representing the sample sample_weights (pd.Series): design weights for sample target_df (pd.DataFrame): a dataframe representing the target target_weights (pd.Series): design weights for target variables (Optional[List[str]], optional): list of variables to include in the model. If None all joint variables of sample_df and target_df are used. Defaults to None. model (str, optional): the model used for modeling the propensity scores. "sklearn" is logistic model. Defaults to "sklearn" (no current alternatives). weight_trimming_mean_ratio (Optional[Union[int, float]], optional): indicating the ratio from above according to which the weights are trimmed by mean(weights) * ratio. Defaults to 20. weight_trimming_percentile (Optional[float], optional): if weight_trimming_percentile is not none, winsorization is applied. if None then trimming is applied. Defaults to None. balance_classes (bool, optional): whether to balance the sample and target size for running the model. True is preferable for imbalanced cases. It shouldn't have an effect on the final weights as this is factored into the computation of the weights. TODO: add ref. Defaults to True. transformations (str, optional): what transformations to apply to data before fitting the model. See apply_transformations function. Defaults to "default". na_action (str, optional): what to do with NAs. See add_na_indicator function. Defaults to "add_indicator". max_de (Optional[float], optional): upper bound for the design effect of the computed weights. Used for choosing the model regularization and trimming. If set to None, then it uses 'lambda_1se'. Defaults to 1.5. formula (Union[str, List[str], None], optional): The formula according to which build the model. In case of list of formula, the model matrix will be built in steps and concatenated together. Defaults to None. penalty_factor (Optional[List[float]], optional): the penalty factors used in ipw. The penalty should have the same length as the formula list (and applies to each element of formula). Smaller penalty on some formula will lead to elements in that formula to get more adjusted, i.e. to have a higher chance to get into the model (and not zero out). A penalty of 0 will make sure the element is included in the model. If not provided, assume the same penalty (1) for all variables. Defaults to None. one_hot_encoding (bool, optional): whether to encode all factor variables in the model matrix with almost_one_hot_encoding. This is recomended in case of using LASSO on the data (Default: False). one_hot_encoding_greater_3 creates one-hot-encoding for all categorical variables with more than 2 categories (i.e. the number of columns will be equal to the number of categories), and only 1 column for variables with 2 levels (treatment contrast). Defaults to False. random_seed (int, optional): Random seed to use. Defaults to 2020. Raises: Exception: f"Sample indicator only has value {_n_unique}. This can happen when your sample or target are empty from unknown reason" NotImplementedError: if model is not "sklearn" Returns: Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary includes: "weight" --- The weights for the sample. "model" --- parameters of the model:fit, performance, X_matrix_columns, lambda, weight_trimming_mean_ratio Shape of the Dict: { "weight": weights, "model": { "method": "ipw", "X_matrix_columns": X_matrix_columns_names, "fit": fit, "perf": performance, "lambda": best_s, "weight_trimming_mean_ratio": weight_trimming_mean_ratio, }, } """"Starting ipw function") np.random.seed( random_seed ) # setting random seed for cases of variations in sklearn balance_util._check_weighting_methods_input(sample_df, sample_weights, "sample") balance_util._check_weighting_methods_input(target_df, target_weights, "target") variables = balance_util.choose_variables(sample_df, target_df, variables=variables) logger.debug(f"Join variables for sample and target: {variables}") sample_df = sample_df.loc[:, variables] target_df = target_df.loc[:, variables] if na_action == "drop": (sample_df, sample_weights) = balance_util.drop_na_rows( sample_df, sample_weights, "sample" ) (target_df, target_weights) = balance_util.drop_na_rows( target_df, target_weights, "target" ) sample_n = sample_df.shape[0] target_n = target_df.shape[0] # Applying transformations # Important! Variables that don't need transformations # should be transformed with the *identity function*, # otherwise will be dropped from the model sample_df, target_df = balance_adjustment.apply_transformations( (sample_df, target_df), transformations=transformations ) variables = list(sample_df.columns) logger.debug(f"Final variables in the model: {variables}")"Building model matrix") model_matrix_output = balance_util.model_matrix( sample_df, target_df, variables, add_na=(na_action == "add_indicator"), return_type="one", return_var_type="sparse", # pyre-fixme[6]: for 7th parameter `formula` expected `Optional[List[str]]` but got `Union[None, List[str], str]`. # TODO: fix pyre issue formula=formula, penalty_factor=penalty_factor, one_hot_encoding=one_hot_encoding, ) X_matrix = cast( Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, csc_matrix], model_matrix_output["model_matrix"], ) X_matrix_columns_names = cast( List[str], model_matrix_output["model_matrix_columns_names"] ) penalty_factor_expanded = cast(List[float], model_matrix_output["penalty_factor"]) f"The formula used to build the model matrix: {model_matrix_output['formula']}" )"The number of columns in the model matrix: {X_matrix.shape[1]}")"The number of rows in the model matrix: {X_matrix.shape[0]}") y = np.concatenate((np.ones(sample_n), np.zeros(target_n))) _n_unique = np.unique(y.reshape(y.shape[0])) if len(_n_unique) == 1: raise Exception( f"Sample indicator only has value {_n_unique}. This can happen when your " "sample or target are empty from unknown reason" ) if balance_classes: odds = np.sum(sample_weights) / np.sum(target_weights) else: odds = 1 logger.debug(f"odds for balancing classes: {odds}") model_weights = np.concatenate((sample_weights, target_weights * odds)) logger.debug(f"X_matrix shape: {X_matrix.shape}") logger.debug(f"y input shape: {y.shape}") logger.debug( f"penalty_factor frequency table {pd.crosstab(index=penalty_factor_expanded, columns='count')}" ) if model == "sklearn": foldids = np.resize(range(10), y.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle( foldids ) # shuffels the values of foldid - note that we set the seed in the beginning of the function, so this order is fixed logger.debug( f"foldid frequency table {pd.crosstab(index=foldids, columns='count')}" ) logger.debug(f"first 10 elements of foldids: {foldids[0:9]}") logger.debug("Fitting logistic model") # Standardize columns of the X matrix and penalize the columns of the X matrix according to the penalty_factor. # Workaround for sklearn, which doesn't allow for covariate specific penalty terms. # Note that penalty = 0 is not truly supported, and large differences in penalty factors # may affect convergence speed. scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=False, copy=False) # TODO: add test to verify expected behavior from model_weights X_matrix = scaler.fit_transform(X_matrix, sample_weight=model_weights) if penalty_factor is not None: penalties_skl = [ 1 / pf if pf > 0.1 else 10 for pf in penalty_factor_expanded ] for i in range(len(penalties_skl)): X_matrix[:, i] *= penalties_skl[i] X_matrix = csr_matrix(X_matrix) lambdas = np.logspace(np.log10(lambda_max), np.log10(lambda_min), num_lambdas) # Using L2 regression since L1 is too slow. Observed "lbfgs" was the most computationally efficient solver. lr = LogisticRegression( penalty="l2", solver="lbfgs", tol=1e-4, max_iter=5000, warm_start=True, ) fits = [None for _ in range(len(lambdas))] links = [None for _ in range(len(lambdas))] prop_dev = [np.nan for _ in range(len(lambdas))] dev = [np.nan for _ in range(len(lambdas))] cv_dev_mean = [np.nan for _ in range(len(lambdas))] cv_dev_sd = [np.nan for _ in range(len(lambdas))] min_s_index = 0 prev_prop_dev = None # TODO: Create a separate function to calculate deviance. null_dev = 2 * log_loss( y, np.full(len(y), np.sum(model_weights * y) / np.sum(model_weights)), sample_weight=model_weights, ) for i in range(len(lambdas)): # Conversion between glmnet lambda penalty parameter and sklearn 'C' parameter referenced # from lr.C = 1 / (sum(model_weights) * lambdas[i]) model =, y, sample_weight=model_weights) pred = model.predict_proba(X_matrix)[:, 1] dev[i] = 2 * log_loss(y, pred, sample_weight=model_weights) prop_dev[i] = 1 - dev[i] / null_dev # Early stopping criteria: improvement in prop_dev is less than 1e-5 (mirrors glmnet) if ( np.sum(np.abs(model.coef_)) > 0 and prev_prop_dev is not None and prop_dev[i] - prev_prop_dev < 1e-5 ): break # Cross-validation procedure is only used for choosing best lambda is max_de is None # Previously, cross validation was run even when max_de is not None, # but the results weren't used for model selection. if max_de is not None: logger.debug( f"iter {i}: lambda: {lambdas[i]}, dev: {dev[i]}, prop_dev: {prop_dev[i]}" ) elif num_lambdas > 1: dev_mean, dev_sd = calc_dev(X_matrix, y, lr, model_weights, foldids) logger.debug( f"iter {i}: lambda: {lambdas[i]}, cv_dev: {dev_mean}, dev_diff: {dev_mean - dev[i]}, prop_dev: {prop_dev[i]}" ) cv_dev_mean[i] = dev_mean cv_dev_sd[i] = dev_sd prev_prop_dev = prop_dev[i] links[i] = link_transform(pred)[:sample_n,] fits[i] = copy.deepcopy(model)"Done with sklearn") elif model == "glmnet": raise NotImplementedError("glmnet is no longer supported") else: raise NotImplementedError()"max_de: {max_de}") best_s_index = 0 regularisation_perf = None if max_de is not None: regularisation_perf = choose_regularization( links, lambdas, sample_df, target_df, sample_weights, target_weights, balance_classes, max_de, ) best_s_index = regularisation_perf["best"]["s_index"] weight_trimming_mean_ratio = regularisation_perf["best"]["trim"] weight_trimming_percentile = None elif num_lambdas > 1: # Cross-validation procedure"Starting model selection") min_s_index = np.nanargmin(cv_dev_mean) min_dev_mean = cv_dev_mean[min_s_index] min_dev_sd = cv_dev_sd[min_s_index] # Mirrors 'lambda.1se' from glmnet: # 'the most regularized model such that the cross-validated error is within one standard error of the minimum.' best_s_index = np.argmax( [ ( l if (loss is not np.nan) and (loss < min_dev_mean + min_dev_sd) else 0 ) for loss, l in zip(cv_dev_mean, lambdas) ] ) best_model = fits[best_s_index] link = links[best_s_index] best_s = lambdas[best_s_index] logger.debug("Predicting") weights = weights_from_link( link, balance_classes, sample_weights, target_weights, weight_trimming_mean_ratio, weight_trimming_percentile, )"Chosen lambda: {best_s}") performance = model_coefs( best_model, feature_names=list(X_matrix_columns_names), ) performance["null_deviance"] = null_dev performance["deviance"] = dev[best_s_index] performance["prop_dev_explained"] = prop_dev[best_s_index] if max_de is None and num_lambdas > 1: performance["cv_dev_mean"] = cv_dev_mean[best_s_index] performance["lambda_min"] = lambdas[min_s_index] performance["min_cv_dev_mean"] = cv_dev_mean[min_s_index] performance["min_cv_dev_sd"] = cv_dev_sd[min_s_index] dev = performance["prop_dev_explained"]"Proportion null deviance explained {dev}") if (np.max(weights) - np.min(weights)) / np.mean( weights ) < 1e-04: # All weights are (essentially) the same logger.warning("All weights are identical. The estimates will not be adjusted") if dev < 0.10: logger.warning( "The propensity model has low fraction null deviance explained " f"({dev}). Results may not be accurate" ) out = { "weight": weights, "model": { "method": "ipw", "X_matrix_columns": X_matrix_columns_names, "fit": fits[best_s_index], "perf": performance, "lambda": best_s, "weight_trimming_mean_ratio": weight_trimming_mean_ratio, "regularisation_perf": regularisation_perf, }, } logger.debug("Done ipw function") return out