Source code for balance.weighting_methods.cbps

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-unsafe

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging

from typing import Any, cast, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import pandas as pd
import scipy
import sklearn.utils.extmath
import statsmodels.api as sm

from balance import adjustment as balance_adjustment, util as balance_util
from balance.stats_and_plots.weights_stats import design_effect
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix

logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__package__)

[docs] def logit_truncated( X: Union[npt.NDArray, pd.DataFrame], beta: npt.NDArray, truncation_value: float = 1e-5, ) -> npt.NDArray: """This is a helper function for cbps. Given an X matrx and avector of coeeficients beta, it computes the truncated version of the logit function. Args: X (Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]): Covariate matrix beta (np.ndarray): vector of coefficients truncation_value (float, optional): upper and lower bound for the computed probabilities. Defaults to 1e-5. Returns: np.ndarray: numpy array of computed probablities """ probs = 1.0 / (1 + np.exp(-1 * (np.matmul(X, beta)))) return np.minimum(np.maximum(probs, truncation_value), 1 - truncation_value)
[docs] def compute_pseudo_weights_from_logit_probs( probs: npt.NDArray, design_weights: Union[npt.NDArray, pd.DataFrame], in_pop: Union[npt.NDArray, pd.DataFrame], ) -> npt.NDArray: """This is a helper function for cbps. Given computed probs, it computes the weights: N/N_t * (in_pop - p_i)/(1 - p_i). (Note that these weights on sample are negative for convenience of notations) Args: probs (np.ndarray): vector of probabilities design_weights (Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]): vector of design weights of sample and target in_pop (Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]): indicator vector for target Returns: np.ndarray: np.ndarray of computed weights """ N = np.sum(design_weights) N_target = np.sum(design_weights[in_pop == 1.0]) return N / N_target * (in_pop - probs) / (1 - probs)
[docs] def bal_loss( beta: npt.NDArray, X: npt.NDArray, design_weights: npt.NDArray, in_pop: npt.NDArray, XtXinv: npt.NDArray, ) -> np.float64: """This is a helper function for cbps. It computes the balance loss. Args: beta (np.ndarray): vector of coefficients X (np.ndarray): Covariate matrix design_weights (np.ndarray): vector of design weights of sample and target in_pop (np.ndarray): indicator vector for target XtXinv (np.ndarray): (X.T %*% X)^(-1) Returns: np.float64: computed balance loss """ probs = logit_truncated(X, beta) N = np.sum(design_weights) weights = ( 1.0 / N * compute_pseudo_weights_from_logit_probs(probs, design_weights, in_pop) ) Xprimew = np.matmul((X * design_weights[:, None]).T, weights) loss = np.absolute(np.matmul(np.matmul(Xprimew.T, XtXinv), Xprimew)) return loss
[docs] def gmm_function( beta: npt.NDArray, X: Union[npt.NDArray, pd.DataFrame], design_weights: Union[npt.NDArray, pd.DataFrame], in_pop: Union[npt.NDArray, pd.DataFrame], invV: Union[npt.NDArray, None] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Union[float, npt.NDArray]]: """This is a helper function for cbps. It computes the gmm loss. Args: beta (np.ndarray): vector of coefficients X (Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]): covariates matrix design_weights (Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]): vector of design weights of sample and target in_pop (Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]): indicator vector for target invV (Union[np.ndarray, None], optional): the inverse weighting matrix for GMM. Default is None. Returns: Dict[str, Union[float, np.ndarray]]: Dict with two items for loss and invV: loss (float) computed gmm loss invV (np.ndarray) the weighting matrix for GMM """ probs = logit_truncated(X, beta) N = np.sum(design_weights) N_target = np.sum(design_weights[in_pop == 1.0]) weights = compute_pseudo_weights_from_logit_probs(probs, design_weights, in_pop) # Generate gbar gbar = np.concatenate( ( 1.0 / N * (np.matmul((X * design_weights[:, None]).T, (in_pop - probs))), 1.0 / N * (np.matmul((X * design_weights[:, None]).T, weights)), ) ) if invV is None: # Compute inverse sigma matrix to use in GMM estimate design_weights_sq = np.sqrt(design_weights)[:, None] X1 = design_weights_sq * X * np.sqrt((1 - probs) * probs)[:, None] X2 = design_weights_sq * X * np.sqrt(probs / (1 - probs))[:, None] X11 = design_weights_sq * X * np.sqrt(probs)[:, None] X11TX11 = np.matmul(X11.T, X11 * N / N_target) V = ( 1 / N * np.vstack( ( np.hstack((np.matmul(X1.T, X1), X11TX11)), np.hstack( (X11TX11, np.matmul(X2.T, X2 * np.power(N / N_target, 2))) ), ) ) ) # Note - The R CBPS code is using sum(treat) for N_target instead of # the sum of the design weights on the treated invV = np.linalg.pinv(V) # Compute loss loss = np.matmul(np.matmul(gbar.T, invV), gbar) return {"loss": loss, "invV": invV}
[docs] def gmm_loss( beta: npt.NDArray, X: Union[npt.NDArray, pd.DataFrame], design_weights: Union[npt.NDArray, pd.DataFrame], in_pop: Union[npt.NDArray, pd.DataFrame], invV: Optional[npt.NDArray] = None, ) -> Union[float, npt.NDArray]: """This is a helper function for cbps. It computes the gmm loss. See gmm_function for detials. Args: beta (np.ndarray): vector of coefficients X (Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]): covariates matrix design_weights (Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]): vector of design weights of sample and target in_pop (Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]): indicator vector for target invV (Union[np.ndarray, None], optional): the inverse weighting matrix for GMM. Default is None. Returns: Union[float, np.ndarray]: loss (float) computed gmm loss """ return gmm_function(beta, X, design_weights, in_pop, invV)["loss"]
[docs] def alpha_function( alpha: npt.NDArray, beta: npt.NDArray, X: Union[npt.NDArray, pd.DataFrame], design_weights: Union[npt.NDArray, pd.DataFrame], in_pop: Union[npt.NDArray, pd.DataFrame], ) -> Union[float, npt.NDArray]: """This is a helper function for cbps. It computes the gmm loss of alpha*beta. Args: alpha (np.ndarray): multiplication factor beta (np.ndarray): vector of coefficients X (Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]): covariates matrix design_weights (Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]): vector of design weights of sample and target in_pop (Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]): indicator vector for target Returns: Union[float, np.ndarray]: loss (float) computed gmm loss """ return gmm_loss(alpha * beta, X, design_weights, in_pop)
[docs] def compute_deff_from_beta( X: npt.NDArray, beta: npt.NDArray, design_weights: npt.NDArray, in_pop: npt.NDArray ) -> np.float64: """This is a helper function for cbps. It computes the design effect of the estimated weights on the sample given a value of beta. It is used for setting a constraints on max_de. Args: X (np.ndarray): covariates matrix beta (np.ndarray): vector of coefficients design_weights (np.ndarray): vector of design weights of sample and target in_pop (np.ndarray): indicator vector for target Returns: np.float64: design effect """ probs = logit_truncated(X, beta) weights = np.absolute( compute_pseudo_weights_from_logit_probs(probs, design_weights, in_pop) ) weights = design_weights[in_pop == 0.0] * weights[in_pop == 0.0] return design_effect(pd.Series(weights))
def _standardize_model_matrix( model_matrix: pd.DataFrame, model_matrix_columns_names: List[str] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """This is a helper function for cbps. It standardizes the columns of the model matrix. Args: model_matrix (pd.DataFrame): the matrix of covariates model_matrix_columns_names (List[str]): list of columns in the covariates matrix Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Dict of the shape { "model_matrix": model_matrix, "model_matrix_columns_names": model_matrix_columns_names, "model_matrix_mean": model_matrix_mean, "model_matrix_std": model_matrix_std, } """ # TODO: Verify if scikit-learn have something similar model_matrix_std = np.asarray(np.std(model_matrix, axis=0)).reshape( -1 ) # This is needed if the input is 2 dim numpy array if np.sum(model_matrix_std == 0) > 0: variables_to_omit = model_matrix_std == 0 names_variables_to_omit = np.array(model_matrix_columns_names)[ variables_to_omit ] logger.warning( f"The following variables have only one level, and are omitted: {names_variables_to_omit}" ) model_matrix_columns_names = list( np.array(model_matrix_columns_names)[np.invert(variables_to_omit)] ) model_matrix = model_matrix[:, np.invert(variables_to_omit)] model_matrix_std = model_matrix_std[np.invert(variables_to_omit)] model_matrix_mean = np.mean(model_matrix, axis=0) model_matrix = (model_matrix - model_matrix_mean) / model_matrix_std return { "model_matrix": model_matrix, "model_matrix_columns_names": model_matrix_columns_names, "model_matrix_mean": model_matrix_mean, "model_matrix_std": model_matrix_std, } # TODO: update docs def _reverse_svd_and_centralization(beta, U, s, Vh, X_matrix_mean, X_matrix_std): """This is a helper function for cbps. It revrse the svd and the centralization to get an estimate of beta Source: Args: beta (_type_): _description_ U (_type_): _description_ s (_type_): _description_ Vh (_type_): _description_ X_matrix_mean (_type_): _description_ X_matrix_std (_type_): _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """ # TODO: update SVD and reverse SVD to the functions in scikit-learn # Invert s s_inv = s s_inv[s_inv > 1e-5] = 1 / s_inv[s_inv > 1e-5] s_inv[s_inv <= 1e-5] = 0 # Compute beta beta = np.matmul(Vh.T * s_inv, beta) beta_new = np.delete(beta, 0) / X_matrix_std beta_new = np.insert( beta_new, 0, beta[0,] - np.matmul(X_matrix_mean, beta_new), ) return beta_new
[docs] def cbps( # noqa sample_df: pd.DataFrame, sample_weights: pd.Series, target_df: pd.DataFrame, target_weights: pd.Series, variables: Optional[List[str]] = None, transformations: str = "default", na_action: str = "add_indicator", formula: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, balance_classes: bool = True, cbps_method: str = "over", # other option: "exact" max_de: Optional[float] = None, opt_method: str = "COBYLA", opt_opts: Optional[Dict] = None, weight_trimming_mean_ratio: Union[None, float, int] = 20, weight_trimming_percentile: Optional[float] = None, random_seed: int = 2020, *args, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[str, Union[pd.Series, Dict]]: """Fit cbps (covariate balancing propensity score model) for the sample using the target. Final weights are normalized to target size. We use a two-step GMM estimator (as in the default R package), unlike the suggeted continuous-updating estimator in the paper. The reason is that it runs much faster than the continuous one. Paper: Imai, K., & Ratkovic, M. (2014). Covariate balancing propensity score. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B: Statistical Methodology, 243-263. R code source: two-step GMM: Args: sample_df (pd.DataFrame): a dataframe representing the sample sample_weights (pd.Series): design weights for sample target_df (pd.DataFrame): a dataframe representing the target target_weights (pd.Series): design weights for target variables (Optional[List[str]], optional): list of variables to include in the model. If None all joint variables of sample_df and target_df are used. Defaults to None. transformations (str, optional): what transformations to apply to data before fitting the model. Default is "default" (see apply_transformations function). Defaults to "default". na_action (str, optional): what to do with NAs. (see add_na_indicator function). Defaults to "add_indicator". formula (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional): The formula according to which build the model. In case of list of formula, the model matrix will be built in steps and concatenated together.. Defaults to None. balance_classes (bool, optional): whether to balance the sample and target size for running the model. True is preferable for imbalanced cases. Defaults to True. cbps_method (str, optional): method used for cbps. "over" fits an over-identified model that combines the propensity score and covariate balancing conditions; "exact" fits a model that only c ontains the covariate balancing conditions. Defaults to "over". max_de (Optional[float], optional): upper bound for the design effect of the computed weights. Default is None. opt_method (str, optional): type of optimization solver. See :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize` for other options. Defaults to "COBYLA". opt_opts (Optional[Dict], optional): A dictionary of solver options. Default is None. See :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize` for other options. Defaults to None. weight_trimming_mean_ratio (Union[None, float, int], optional): indicating the ratio from above according to which the weights are trimmed by mean(weights) * ratio. Defaults to 20. weight_trimming_percentile (Optional[float], optional): if weight_trimming_percentile is not none, winsorization is applied. Default is None, i.e. trimming is applied. random_seed (int, optional): a random seed. Defaults to 2020. Raises: Exception: _description_ Exception: _description_ Exception: _description_ Exception: _description_ Returns: Dict[str, Union[pd.Series, Dict]]: A dictionary includes: "weight" --- The weights for the sample. "model" -- dictionary with details about the fitted model: X_matrix_columns, deviance, beta_optimal, balance_optimize_result, gmm_optimize_result_glm_init, gmm_optimize_result_bal_init It has the following shape: "model": { "method": "cbps", "X_matrix_columns": X_matrix_columns_names, "deviance": deviance, "original_sum_weights": original_sum_weights, # This can be used to reconstruct the propensity probablities "beta_optimal": beta_opt, "beta_init_glm": beta_0, # The initial estimator by glm "gmm_init": gmm_init, # The rescaled initial estimator # The following are the results of the optimizations "rescale_initial_result": rescale_initial_result, "balance_optimize_result": balance_optimize_result, "gmm_optimize_result_glm_init": gmm_optimize_result_glm_init if cbps_method == "over" else None, "gmm_optimize_result_bal_init": gmm_optimize_result_bal_init if cbps_method == "over" else None, }, """"Starting cbps function") np.random.seed(random_seed) # setting random seed for cases of variations in glmnet balance_util._check_weighting_methods_input(sample_df, sample_weights, "sample") balance_util._check_weighting_methods_input(target_df, target_weights, "target") # Choose joint variables from sample and target variables = balance_util.choose_variables(sample_df, target_df, variables=variables) logger.debug(f"Joint variables for sample and target: {variables}") sample_df = sample_df.loc[:, variables] target_df = target_df.loc[:, variables] if na_action == "drop": (sample_df, sample_weights) = balance_util.drop_na_rows( sample_df, sample_weights, "sample" ) (target_df, target_weights) = balance_util.drop_na_rows( target_df, target_weights, "target" ) # keeping index of sample df to use for final weights sample_index = sample_df.index # Applying transformations # Important! Variables that don't need transformations # should be transformed with the *identity function*, # otherwise will be dropped from the model sample_df, target_df = balance_adjustment.apply_transformations( (sample_df, target_df), transformations=transformations ) variables = list(sample_df.columns) logger.debug(f"Final variables in the model: {variables}") # Build X matrix model_matrix_output = balance_util.model_matrix( sample_df, target_df, variables, add_na=(na_action == "add_indicator"), return_type="one", return_var_type="sparse", # pyre-fixme[6]: for 7th parameter `formula` expected `Optional[List[str]]` but got `Union[None, List[str], str]`. formula=formula, one_hot_encoding=False, ) X_matrix = cast( csc_matrix, (model_matrix_output["model_matrix"]), ).toarray() X_matrix_columns_names = model_matrix_output["model_matrix_columns_names"] f"The formula used to build the model matrix: {model_matrix_output['formula']}" ) # Standardize the X_matrix for SVD model_matrix_standardized = _standardize_model_matrix( X_matrix, # pyre-fixme[6]: for 2nd positional only parameter expected `List[str]` but got `Union[None, List[str], ndarray, DataFrame, csc_matrix]`. X_matrix_columns_names, ) X_matrix = model_matrix_standardized["model_matrix"] X_matrix_columns_names = model_matrix_standardized["model_matrix_columns_names"]"The number of columns in the model matrix: {X_matrix.shape[1]}")"The number of rows in the model matrix: {X_matrix.shape[0]}") # Adding intercept since model_matrix removes it X_matrix = np.c_[np.ones(X_matrix.shape[0]), X_matrix] X_matrix_columns_names.insert(0, "Intercept") # SVD for X_matrix U, s, Vh = scipy.linalg.svd(X_matrix, full_matrices=False) # remove near-zero singular values to address the rank-deficiency of X_matrix # TODO: add unittest singular_value_threshold = 1e-10 U = U[:, s > singular_value_threshold] Vh = Vh[s > singular_value_threshold, :] s = s[s > singular_value_threshold] # Make the sign of the SVD deterministic U, Vh = sklearn.utils.extmath.svd_flip(U, Vh, u_based_decision=False) sample_n = sample_df.shape[0] target_n = target_df.shape[0] total_n = sample_n + target_n # Create "treatment" (in_sample) variable in_sample = np.concatenate((np.ones(sample_n), np.zeros(target_n))) in_pop = np.concatenate((np.zeros(sample_n), np.ones(target_n))) if len(np.unique(in_sample.reshape(in_sample.shape[0]))) == 1: _number_unique = np.unique(in_sample.reshape(in_sample.shape[0])) raise Exception( f"Sample indicator only has value {_number_unique}. This can happen when your sample or target are empty from unknown reason" ) # balance classes if balance_classes: design_weights = ( total_n / 2 * np.concatenate( ( sample_weights / np.sum(sample_weights), target_weights / np.sum(target_weights), ) ) ) XtXinv = np.linalg.pinv( # pyre-fixme[16] Undefined attribute [16]: `float` has no attribute `__getitem__`. np.matmul((U * design_weights[:, None]).T, U * design_weights[:, None]) ) else: design_weights = np.concatenate((sample_weights, target_weights)) design_weights = design_weights / np.mean(design_weights) XtXinv = np.linalg.pinv(np.matmul(U.T, U)) # Define constraints for optimization to limit max_de constraints = [] if max_de is not None: constraints += [ # max de effect { "type": "ineq", "fun": lambda x: ( max_de - compute_deff_from_beta(U, x, design_weights, in_pop) ), } ] # Optimization using Generalized Methods of Moments: # Step 0 - initial estimation for beta"Finding initial estimator for GMM optimization") glm_mod = sm.GLM( in_pop, U, family=sm.families.Binomial(), freq_weights=design_weights ) beta_0 = # TODO: add some safty for when this fails? # Step 1 - rescale initial estimation for beta by minimizing the gmm loss rescale_initial_result = scipy.optimize.minimize( alpha_function, x0=[1], args=( beta_0, U, design_weights, in_pop, ), bounds=[(0.8, 1.1)], # These are the bounds used in the R CBPS package ) if rescale_initial_result["success"] is np.bool_(False): logger.warning( f"Convergence of alpha_function has failed due to '{rescale_initial_result['message']}'" ) gmm_init = beta_0 * rescale_initial_result["x"][0] invV = gmm_function(gmm_init, U, design_weights, in_pop, invV=None)["invV"] # Step 2 - find initial estimation for beta by minimizing balance loss "Finding initial estimator for GMM optimization that minimizes the balance loss" ) balance_optimize_result = scipy.optimize.minimize( fun=bal_loss, x0=gmm_init, args=( U, design_weights, in_pop, XtXinv, ), method=opt_method, options=opt_opts, constraints=constraints, ) if balance_optimize_result["success"] is np.bool_(False): logger.warning( f"Convergence of bal_loss function has failed due to '{balance_optimize_result['message']}'" ) beta_balance = balance_optimize_result["x"] gmm_optimize_result_glm_init = None if cbps_method == "exact": if ( balance_optimize_result["success"] is np.bool_(False) and "Did not converge to a solution satisfying the constraints" in balance_optimize_result["message"] ): raise Exception("There is no solution satisfying the constraints.") beta_opt = beta_balance # Step 3 - minimize gmm_loss from two starting points: beta_balance and gmm_init, # and choose the solution that minimize the gmm_loss. elif cbps_method == "over":"Running GMM optimization") gmm_optimize_result_glm_init = scipy.optimize.minimize( fun=gmm_loss, x0=gmm_init, args=( U, design_weights, in_pop, invV, ), method=opt_method, options=opt_opts, constraints=constraints, ) if gmm_optimize_result_glm_init["success"] is np.bool_(False): logger.warning( f"Convergence of gmm_loss function with gmm_init start point has failed due to '{gmm_optimize_result_glm_init['message']}'" ) gmm_optimize_result_bal_init = scipy.optimize.minimize( fun=gmm_loss, x0=beta_balance, args=( U, design_weights, in_pop, invV, ), method=opt_method, options=opt_opts, constraints=constraints, ) if gmm_optimize_result_bal_init["success"] is np.bool_(False): logger.warning( f"Convergence of gmm_loss function with beta_balance start point has failed due to '{gmm_optimize_result_bal_init['message']}'" ) # If the constraints cannot be satisfied, exit the function if ( gmm_optimize_result_glm_init["success"] is np.bool_(False) and "Did not converge to a solution satisfying the constraints" in gmm_optimize_result_glm_init["message"] and gmm_optimize_result_bal_init["success"] is np.bool_(False) and "Did not converge to a solution satisfying the constraints" in gmm_optimize_result_bal_init["message"] ): raise Exception("There is no solution satisfying the constraints.") # Choose beta that gives a smaller loss in GMM and that satisfy the constraints if ( gmm_optimize_result_bal_init["fun"] < gmm_optimize_result_glm_init["fun"] and "Did not converge to a solution satisfying the constraints" not in gmm_optimize_result_bal_init["message"] ): beta_opt = gmm_optimize_result_bal_init["x"] else: beta_opt = gmm_optimize_result_glm_init["x"] else: raise Exception(f"cbps_method '{cbps_method}' is not a valid option") # Compute final probs and weights with beta_opt probs = logit_truncated(U, beta_opt) logger.debug(f"Minimum probs for sample: {np.min(probs[in_sample == 1.0])}") logger.debug(f"Maximum probs for sample: {np.max(probs[in_sample == 1.0])}") weights = np.absolute( compute_pseudo_weights_from_logit_probs(probs, design_weights, in_pop) ) logger.debug(f"Minimum weight for sample: {np.min(weights[in_sample == 1.0])}") logger.debug(f"Maximum weight for sample: {np.max(weights[in_sample == 1.0])}") weights = design_weights[in_sample == 1.0] * weights[in_sample == 1.0] # Compute deviance (Minus twice the log-likelihood of the CBPS fit) deviance = -2 * np.sum( in_pop * design_weights * np.log(probs) + (1 - in_pop) * design_weights * np.log(1 - probs) ) # trim weights weights = balance_adjustment.trim_weights( weights, weight_trimming_mean_ratio, weight_trimming_percentile ) # normalize to target size original_sum_weights = np.sum(weights) logger.debug(f"original sum of weights for sample: {original_sum_weights}") weights = weights / original_sum_weights * np.sum(target_weights) # set index to sample_df weights = pd.DataFrame({"weight": weights}).set_index(sample_index)["weight"] if np.unique(weights).shape[0] == 1 or weights.describe()["std"] < 1e-4: # All weights are the same logger.warning( "All weights are identical (or almost identical). The estimates will not be adjusted" ) # Revrse SVD and centralization beta_opt = _reverse_svd_and_centralization( beta_opt, U, s, Vh, model_matrix_standardized["model_matrix_mean"], model_matrix_standardized["model_matrix_std"], ) out = { "weight": weights, "model": { "method": "cbps", "X_matrix_columns": X_matrix_columns_names, "deviance": deviance, "original_sum_weights": original_sum_weights, # This can be used to reconstruct the propensity probablities "beta_optimal": beta_opt, "beta_init_glm": beta_0, # The initial estimator by glm "gmm_init": gmm_init, # The rescaled initial estimator # The following are the results of the optimizations "rescale_initial_result": rescale_initial_result, "balance_optimize_result": balance_optimize_result, "gmm_optimize_result_glm_init": ( gmm_optimize_result_glm_init if cbps_method == "over" else None ), "gmm_optimize_result_bal_init": ( # pyre-fixme[61]: `gmm_optimize_result_bal_init` is undefined, or # not always defined. gmm_optimize_result_bal_init if cbps_method == "over" else None ), }, }"Done cbps function") return out